viernes, 14 de diciembre de 2012

Do you really think that we are going to die?

A lot of people are talking about the end of the world. People are scared, they can only think about one day, the 21st of December of 2012.

How can people think about an end of the world? It’s crazy! To be honest, I believe that this is all a joke. Mayas weren’t able to work out when the end of the world is because their arguments were not scientific. They could only study the sky and by doing only this they couldn’t prove anything.

Get this, even my grandmother has started buying loads of food “just incase” of what “might” happen on the 21st of December. She’s so convinced that she even believes that aliens will come down to Earth to destroy the human race!! She’s nuts! Have your relatives all gone as crazy as my grandmother? I hope not.

One important thing that I think everyone should be aware of is that NASA has sent a message saying that the end of the world is not actually possible. They say have also let us know that aliens will not be visiting and that unfortunately an Armageddon won’t break out or an earthquake or anything like that. So we should all calm down and relax because the end of the world IS NOT COMING ON THE 21ST OF DECEMBER 2012!

I promise I’ll be returning to chat about more interesting things for my fans soon (unless of course I’m wrong and we all die today).

In that case…Goodbye.

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